Saturday, February 16, 2013

Roasted Tomato Soup

I found myself with 2 kilo's of ripe tomatoes from the garden this weekend so it seemed  natural to make a soup and stock the freezer with some healthy lunches for work.  The vegetable garden has produced an abundance of zucchinis and tomatoes this year so expect a zucchini soup recipe to follow soon...

Tomatoes pre-roasting

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Pattisserie love...

I sampled my first macaron from La Belle Miette on Saturday.  Selling decadent Macarons at several locations in Melbourne La Belle Miette will be on my visit list everytime I vist the city. 

Best of all every flavour is gluten free (except the chocolate hazelnut macaron, but why worry about that when you can have salted caramel, pistachio, raspberry chocolate and many more!)